An increased minimum amount-in-controversy requirement for Higher People’s Courts means that almost all cases will have to start at the…
Not surprisingly, ethnic minorities are convicted of the crime of stirring up ethnic hatred at a far higher rate than…
A new paper by Tim Rühlig provides the most detailed analysis of the governance structure of Huawei that has been…
Prof. Clarke’s recent post show that the acquittal rates in 1966-1969 were nearly 25 times higher than that of 2013-2016.…
I just came across this paper, posted April 21, 2020 on the Social Science Research Network: Lin, Ching-Fu; Wu, Chien-Huei;…
After my last post on Chinese acquittal rates, I heard from Prof. David Johnson of the University of Hawai‘i (whose…
I’ve been looking through a recent massive collection of Chinese court statistics going from 1949 to 2016 (人民法院司法统计历史典籍) (“People’s Court…
The latest Ping’an China Small-Group re-erects the stability maintenance steering machine that had grown significantly under Zhou Yongkang but was…
Many lawyers, after their “non-release release,” are subjected to a form of an additional sentence, “a suspension from life”—they, and…
The lawsuit filed by the Missouri attorney-general against various Chinese entities seeking compensation for COVID-19-related damages, unlike previous similar lawsuits,…