Ling Li | In this essay, I point out that the age-limit norm is misrepresented and misperceived in current analyses…
Xi Jinping’s third term as the head of the Party is not constrained by established norms of the Chinese Communist…
Date: May 20 Time: Berlin 16:00 London 14:00 New York 10:00 Language: 中文 and English Open room Topics: Why were…
Just to be fair to Mao, Trump’s attempt to ape the Cultural Revolution (CR) is less than mediocre because he…
节选:在我看来,林文真正要揭示的并不是中国自由派知识分子是不是应该寻找和依赖指明灯的问题,也不是美国有没有资格当指明灯的问题,而是中国自由派知识分子对民主的认知问题以及造成这种认知的价值基础问题。比如说,在分析美国的一系列社会问题时,美国自由派知识分子认为,这些问题的根源在于美国社会结构的不平等以及分配不公,因此他们主张以扩大社会公平为政治取向、向弱势群体进行倾斜的分配政策。 ====================== 终于有时间细读林垚发表在Journal of Contemporary China的Beaconism and the Trumpian Metamorphosis of Chinese Liberal Intellectuals一文 (以下简称林文)。该文在今年年初发表之后,广受关注。以下是我对该文的几点看法。 首先是我对林文主要观点的理解。 从林文的标题来看,它的主要解释对象是中国自由派知识分子中的存在的所谓“川粉现象”或“川普情节”。但是在具体讨论时,作者对非自由派中国知识分子的川普情节也有提及(for the section…
“Contrary to the popular assumption that the office of GPS is vested with boundless absolute power, the Directive has endowed…
[social_warfare] It is easy to dismiss the value of any written rules laid down by the Party because the latter…
A conversation between Carl Minzner and Ling Li Carl Minzner and I discussed about what it might mean when…
A new nation-wide rectification campaign targeting political-legal institutions, incl. courts, procuratorates, police, prisons, administrative body for lawyers… It’ll begin in…
Prof. Clarke’s recent post show that the acquittal rates in 1966-1969 were nearly 25 times higher than that of 2013-2016.…