The latest news [Reuters in English | Xinhua in Chinese] is that unidentified companies from Xinjiang have—no doubt at state…
Featured image credit: Badiucao; 2020年的〈中國司法人權觀察〉已經完成,可在此下載。 這篇文章將刊登在臺灣民主基金會每年出版的《中國人權觀察報告》(往年報告連結在此),特別感謝陸梅吉(Margaret Lewis)教授擔任評論人,對文章提出寶貴建議。 沒有時間讀整份報告的話,以下是三千字的摘要。 這是我第三年,也是最後一年的〈中國司法人權觀察〉,感謝那些為中國人權努力的人。 Here is my piece on human rights in the Chinese…
The Economist just published a leader headlined “‘Genocide’ is the wrong word for the horrors of Xinjiang”. Here’s why I…
The Trump administration capped off its two-year-old China Initiative with the indictment of MIT professor Gang Chen. As I argue…
The following is a guest post from Professor James Millward of Georgetown University, a historian and Xinjiang specialist. The US…
Here’s Mark Cohen’s blog post about it.
I’m starting to suspect that the rectification campaign that will sweep through China’s political-legal bureaucracy in 2021 might be a…
The Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC has determined that there is “no basis to proceed” against China on…
For the past four months, I’ve written a series of Chinese-language essays about the National Security Law (NSL) for Hong…
On December 2, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act (the “HFCAA” or the “Act”).…