Here’s a summary and review in the New York Times of an important new book, The People’s Republic of the…
Over the past few days there has been quite a bit of controversy in China over the government’s decision to…
A question recently came up on the Chinalaw listserv regarding some Chinese news reports about (a) PRC legislation providing criminal…
I was reminded by a recent article on Xinhuanet that China’s new General Rules of Civil Law (which I discussed…
This is big news. Chinese civil procedure allows Chinese courts to enforce foreign judgments (provided they don’t offend public policy)…
I just came across an interesting story about how the city of Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, aims to…
Glenn Tiffert, a historian currently doing a post-doc at University of Michigan, has written a terrific paper [updated version from that originally…
Back in 2010, I did a blog post on debt hostages in China, highlighting the incredible situation of a government-run…
As part of their campaign to establish as “Rule-of-Law Bijie,” authorities in Qixingguan District of Bijie City in Guizhou Province…
That’s a line from a South Park episode in which the good Father Maxi discovers what the other priests think…