Cornell is seeking “experienced candidates, whose primary experience and interest is in Far East law and culture, for a full-time,…
I have received an announcement about the above fellowship: The Chinese Language Fellowship Program (CLFP) is a nationwide initiative designed…
Recently in the course of some writing I’ve had to address the problem of “essentially contested concepts.” But because the…
Rights lawyer Li Jinxing (李金星) has been disbarred — for the usual absurd reasons. Here’s the statement made in his…
It seems that Sun Xiang, a delegate to the Hebei Provincial People’s Congress and all-around rich guy (worth around $1.1…
Over at the Supreme People’s Court Monitor blog, Susan Finder has an excellent post on a recent speech by Liu…
Adrian Zenz, perhaps the one person more responsible than any other for bringing the Xinjiang detentions to the attention of…
Last October, I posted a piece on the Lawfare blog about legal aspects—under Chinese domestic law—of the Xinjiang detentions. Earlier…
I had an enjoyable chat about Chinese law the other day with Jordan Schneider, host of the ChinaEconTalk podcast. Here’s…
On a China-related internet discussion group of which I’m a member, there was recently an exchange about the appropriateness of…