Solidarity statement on behalf of scholars sanctioned for their work on China / 学界联署声明:声援因从事中国研究而被制裁之学者

Here is an important statement that I think scholars and researchers in the China field and beyond should read and consider. In my view, it is not only a solidarity statement but a necessary defense of academic freedom that can no longer be taken for granted in the present-day world. Your voice is consequential—join the 1300 plus researchers from across the world (sign here)!


Members of the academic and research community have been invited to express their solidarity with colleagues affected by the Chinese government’s recent sanctions by signing the following statement. It has been signed by more than 1300 researchers from across the world. The statement remains open to signatures until 14 April 2021.

Solidarity statement on behalf of scholars sanctioned for their work on China / 学界联署声明:声援因从事中国研究而被制裁之学者

In March 2021, the Chinese government announced the imposition of ‘sanctions,’ including travel bans, a prohibition on Chinese citizens and entities from ‘having dealings’ with them, and asset freezes, on a number of scholars and their families in the European Union[1] and the United Kingdom[2]: Björn Jerdén (Director of the Swedish National China Centre at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs), Jo Smith Finley (Reader in Chinese Studies at Newcastle University UK), Adrian Zenz (Senior Fellow in China Studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation in the United States), and the Berlin-based Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS). These measures, for which the government provided no legal basis, were imposed in retaliation for the targets’ work on and with China, including research on international crimes and human rights violations in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR). In one statement, the sanctions are even extended to ‘companies and institutions associated with’ the targets.

The sanctions are the latest escalation of a process of constraining academic debate that has occurred over the last few decades, and that has included attempts to malign individual non-Chinese scholars in the Party-state-controlled Chinese media or deny them entry to China, as well as persecution of scholars and the closing of spaces for free academic enquiry in the Hong Kong SAR. The structurally most vulnerable victims of academic persecution have been Chinese scholars whose criticism of the government has exposed them in some cases to extremely serious measures including disciplinary action, dismissal, enforced disappearance, criminal punishment, and inhumane treatment during incarceration. This has included colleagues now living in forced exile, but also scholars who remained based in China such as the late Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, Professor Xu Zhangrun, Professor Ilham Tohti, and many others.

The measures against non-Chinese scholars, although singling out a few individuals and institutions, target and affect the entirety of the scholarly community working on, in and with counterparts in China, as well as those counterparts in Chinese academia. The suppression of critical thought within and outside of China is a loss to all academic engagement with Chinese society and also detracts from the diversity of academic discourses in China. This is well illustrated by the statements that there are to be no ‘dealings’ with the ‘sanctioned’ scholars and entities, a prohibition that evidently also restricts the freedom of Chinese academic actors.

There is no question where the responsibility for these acts of academic repression lies. The Chinese government has sought to characterise them as equivalent to sanctions imposed on some of its officials for involvement in very serious human rights violations, in accordance with ‘Magnitsky laws.’ But while such laws, and measures based on them, may be debated, there is no legal or moral basis for the persecution of scholars, merely because they expose and criticise a powerful government’s human rights abuses. Sanctions for human rights violations are hardly equivalent to sanctions for speaking critically.

That said, universities and research institutions in liberal democracies also have a responsibility to respond to transnational academic repression and to protect a diversity of views. If we are to avoid going down the path of decoupling, which would benefit nobody, it is essential that universities put in place procedures that are fit for the purpose of establishing the conditions for constructive engagement. At a minimum, this requires real transparency over agreements signed with counterparts in autocratic states, giving priority to freedom of research and teaching, thought and expression in all such arrangements, ensuring the meaningful consultation and participation of academics with knowledge of such states in decision-making, and recognising and compensating for the risks that sanctions pose to the career progression of junior and mid-career staff.

We, the undersigned scholars, are therefore writing to express solidarity with all our persecuted colleagues. In doing so, we are calling on the Chinese government to revoke these unjustified sanctions and to accept that scholarship on China, like scholarship on any country, entails scrutiny of its policies, goals and actions. We also pledge to continue to be inclusive in our own work and engage with all academic views, including those the Chinese government is trying to marginalise. We request our universities and research institutions to demonstrate their unconditional commitment to academic freedom, and we signal that the intimidation strategy being pursued here is unlikely to succeed. It is only by fostering critical and differentiated academic debate that scholarship can contribute to the global common good.



2021年3月,中国政府宣布对于以下欧盟[1]及英国[2]的数名学者及其家属实施“制裁”,包括入境禁令、禁止中国公民及机构同其“交易”,并冻结其在华财产,这些制裁对象包括叶必扬(Björn Jerdén,瑞典国际事务研究所中国中心主持人)、芬利(Jo Smith Finley,英国纽卡索大学中国研究教授)、郑国恩(Adrian Zenz,美国共产主义受难者纪念基金会中国研究资深研究员),制裁对象也包括设在柏林的德国墨卡托中国研究中心(Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS))。对于这些措施,中国政府没有提供任何法律依据,纯粹是针对这些制裁对象就中国或与中国有关的研究工作进行报复,包括他们就新疆维吾尔自治区所发生的国际犯罪与侵害人权所进行的研究。在一份声明中,中国甚至宣称将制裁扩大到与这些制裁对象“关连的企业与机构”。
这些制裁是过去二十年来中国持续限制学术讨论过程中最新的一项升级行动,这个过程包括试图利用党国控制的媒体诽谤个别的非中国籍学者,或者拒绝他们入境;以及在香港特别行政区迫害学者并限缩他们的学术自由空间;而中国的学术迫害中,结构上最脆弱的受害者无非是中国学者,在一些案例中,他们会因为批评政府而受到极端严厉的对待,包括纪律处分、开除、被失踪、刑事处罚,以及监禁期间不人道的待遇,这包括被迫流亡海外的中国学者,还有身处中国的学者,例如已故的诺贝尔和平奖得主刘晓波、许章润教授、Ilham Tohti(伊力哈木·土赫提)教授以及其他许多学者。
这些打压学界行动的责任归属显而易见。中国政府试图将这些制裁定性为等同于欧盟与其他各国根据“马格尼茨基”人权问责法律(‘Magnitsky laws’)针对一些中国官员严重侵犯人权行为所实施的制裁。尽管此类法律以及根据这些法律实施的手段可供公评议论,但对于学者的迫害却是毫无法律或道德依据的,仅是因为他们揭露并批评了强权政府的侵害人权行为。对于人权侵害的制裁与对于批评声音的制裁,两者完全不能相提并论。
[1] 〈外交部发言人宣布对欧盟相关实体和人员实施制裁〉,中华人民共和国驻欧盟使团网站,2021年3月22日,
[2] 〈外交部发言人宣布对英国相关个人和实体实施制裁〉,中华人民共和国驻大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国大使馆网站,2021年3月26日,


Sigrun Abels, Technische Universität Berlin (TUB)
Anna Lisa Ahlers, Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science
Tomoko Ako, Tokyo University
Björn Alpermann, Universität Würzburg
Anne-Marie Brady, University of Canterbury
Matthieu Burnay, Queen Mary University of London
Titus C. Chen, National Sun Yat-sen University
Yu-Jie Chen, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica
Donald Clarke, George Washington University Law School
Jerome A Cohen, New York University
Alison Conner, University of Hawaii
Harriet Evans, Westminster University
Magnus Fiskesjö, Cornell University
John Fitzgerald, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne
Martin Flaherty, Princeton University
Vanessa Frangville, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Eli Friedman, Cornell University
Chloé Froissart, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales
Andreas Fulda, Nottingham University
Terence Halliday, American Bar Foundation & Australian National University
John Heathershaw, University of Exeter
Sebastian Heilmann, Universität Trier
Jude Howell, London School of Economics
Christopher Hughes, London School of Economics
Tomoaki Ishii, Meiji University
Perry Keller, King’s College London
Katrin Kinzelbach, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Johannes Küchler, Technische Universität Berlin (TUB)
Daniel Large, Central European University
Daniel Leese, Freiburg University
Margaret K Lewis, Seton Hall
Perry Link, University of California, Riverside
Maximilian Mayer, University of Bonn
Christian Meyer, Freie Universität Berlin
Barbara Mittler, Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg University
Andrew J. Nathan, Columbia University
Mareike Ohlberg, GMF Berlin
Eva Pils, King’s College London
Pitman Potter, University of British Columbia
Tim Pringle, SOAS University of London
Orville Schell, Asia Society
Kristin Shi-Kupfer, Universität Trier
Gereon Sievernich, Goethe Universität Frankfurt/Main
Marina Svensson, Lund University
Teng Biao, Hunter College and University of Chicago
Rory Truex, Princeton University
Steve Tsang, SOAS University of London
Ralph Weber, University of Basel
Sophia Woodman, Edinburgh University
Lynette Ong, University of Toronto
Carole J. Petersen, University of Hawaii
J. Michael Cole, University of Nottingham
Roger Huang, Macquarie University
Sasa Istenic Kotar, University of Ljubljana
Vicky Xiuzhong Xu, Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Roland Altenburger, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Steven Fielding, University of Nottingham
Edward Burke, University of Nottingham
Stacy Gillis, Newcastle University
Lewis Turner, Newcastle University
Ruth Connolly, Newcastle University
Lauren Ackerman, Newcastle University
Isabelle Ruegg Alter, Newcastle University
Sarah Leahy,Newcastle University
Kate Chedgzoy, Newcastle University
Katharine Adeney, University of Nottingham
David Leat, Newcastle University
Isobel Miller, Newcastle University
Heiner Bielefeldt, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Didi Kirsten Tatlow, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Projekt Sinopsis
Andreas Werner, Newcastle University
Jemima Short, Newcastle University
Joanne Sayner, Newcastle University
Ondrej Klimeš, Czech Academy of Sciences
Kevin Carrico, Monash University
Gregory Adam Scott ,University of Manchester
Scott AW Brown, University of Dundee
Luke Robinson, University of Sussex
Andrea Janku, SOAS University of London
Kristie Thomas, Aston University
George Magnus, SOAS
Tena Prelec, University of Oxford
Sarah Campbell, Newcastle University
Edzia Carvalho, University of Dundee
Kurt Mills, University of Dundee
Margaret Hillenbrand, University of Oxford
James Cummings, Newcastle University
Martin Hofmann, Heidelberg University
Angela Becher, University of Liverpool
Jue Jiang, Lund University
Jun Qian, Newcastle University, UK
Julian Ward, University of Edinburgh
Carrie Poon, Newcastle University
Santiago Wortman Jofre, Queen Mary, University of London
Armelle Tardiveau, Newcastle University
Shirley Jordan, Newcastle University
Jamie Coates, University of Sheffield
Patrick Poon, University of Lyon
Rossella Ferrari, University of Vienna
Helen Smith, Newcastle University
Leigh K. Jenco, London School of Economics and Political Science
Jennifer Altehenger, University of Oxford
David C. Schak, Griffith University
Hugo Drochon, University of Nottingham
Zack Gray, Newcastle University
Gerard Michael O’Brien, Newcastle University
Hilde De Weerdt, Leiden University
Hannah Theaker, University of Oxford
Anne Gerritsen, University of Warwick
Patricia M Thornton, University of Oxford
Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Queen Mary University of London
Tehyun Ma, University of Sheffield
Marijn Nieuwenhuis, Durham University
Carwyn Morris, University of Manchester
Michael Tsang, Newcastle University
Fredrik Fällman, University of Gothenburg
Catherine Gegout, University of Nottingham
Kate Malleson, Queen Mary University of London
Markus Krajewski, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Louis Goffe, Newcastle University
Cristina Fernandez-Garcia, Newcastle University
Rachel Harris, SOAS University of London
Lorenz Wiese, CHREN, FAU
Ablimit Baki, University of Manchester
Max Roger Taylor, University of Dundee
Genia Kostka, Freie Universität Berlin
Paola Paderni, University of Napoli “L’Orientale”
Elizabeth Andersen, Newcastle University
Michael Höckelmann, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Ross Holder, PEN International
Joachim Kurtz, Heidelberg University
Eric Lai, SOAS University of London
Sabine Trebinjac, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Jessica Siu-yin Yeung, SOAS
Vivien Markert, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Bill Spence, Queen Mary University of London
Jakub Janda, European Values Center for Security Policy
Martin Thorley, University of Exeter
Paul Heywood, University of Nottingham
Astrid Lipinsky, University of Vienna
Julia Marinaccio , University of Bergen
Sarah Liu, University of Edinburgh
David O’Brien, Ruhr University Bochum
Caleb Johnston, Newcastle University
Caroline Pennock, University of Sheffield
Eva Li, Lancaster University
Xiangqun Chang, Global China Academy
Carsten Herrmann-Pillath, Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, Erfurt University
Simone Derix, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Seagh Kehoe, University of Westminster
Martin Svensson Ekström, University of Gothenburg
Laura Murphy, Sheffield Hallam University
Sean O’Brien, Newcastle University
Karen Corrigan, Newcastle University
Jeremy E. Taylor, University of Nottingham
Nicholas Loubere, Lund University
Hermann Aubie, University of Turku
Daniel R. Hammond, University of Edinburgh
Jack Chen, University of Virginia
Alvin Y.H. Cheung, McGill University
Stephen Daly, King’s College London
David I. Clarke, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
James Millward, Georgetown University
Meng Ye, Universität Tübingen
Matej Šimalčík, Central European Institute of Asian Studies (CEIAS)
Christian Soffel, Universität Trier
Tim Rühlig, The Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova, Latvian Institute of International Affairs
Marc O. Rieger, Trier University
June Teufel Dreyer, University of Miami
Marc Julienne, Institut français des relations internationales
Fabian Schäfer, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Pamela Woolner, Newcastle University
Malte Kaeding, University of Surrey
Shiro Yoshioka, Newcastle University
Stephen Whiteman, Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London
Tim Wright, University of Sheffield
Andrea Behrends, Universität Bayreuth
Iwo Amelung, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main
Arunabh Ghosh, Harvard University
Nana De Graaff, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Franziska Plümmer, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
Hanna Burdorf, Newcastle University
Elizabeth Veal, Newcastle University
Wolfgang Behr, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Stefan Kramer, University of Cologne
Jonathan Schwartz, State University of New York at New Paltz
Charles A. Laughlin, University of Virginia
Paul Kendall, University of Westminster
Sebastian Bersick, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Wim Muller, Maastricht University
Gardner Bovingdon, Indiana University
Dilnur Ryhan, French National Institute for Oriental Studies
Johanna Ransmeier, University of Chicago
Rachel Murphy, University of Oxford
Elena Meyer-Clement, Freie Universität Berlin
Christian Göbel, University of Vienna
Charles Burton, Macdonald-Laurier Institute
Jessica Teets, Middlebury College
Andre Laliberte, University of Ottawa
Dirk Schmidt, Universität Trier
Olivia Cheung, SOAS University of London
Zufferey Nicolas, University of Geneva
Silvia Maritati, Newcastle University
Gerda Wielander, University of Westminster
Joseph Lawson, Newcastle University
Roberta Rabellotti, University of Pavia
Sarah Eaton, Humboldt University Berlin
Oleg Benesch, University of York
Rowann Fitzpatrick, University of Central Lancashire
Chong Ja Ian, National University of Singapore
Alice König, University of St Andrews
Kerim Friedman, National Dong Hwa University
Anouk Wear, Leiden University
Penny Green, Queen Mary University of London
Sandrine Emmanuelle Catris, Augusta University
Chien-Wen Kung, National University of Singapore
Lukáš Zádrapa, Department of Sinology, Charles University (Prague)
Alexis Lycas Ecole pratique des hautes études (EPHE, PSL)
Paul C. Irwin Crookes, University of Oxford
Josep Cru, Newcastle University
Sara Friedman, Indiana University
Attilio Andreini, Ca’ Foscari University, Venezia, Italy
David Blake Willis, Fielding Graduate University
Steven I. Levine, University of Montana, USA
Attilio Andreini, Ca’ Foscari University, Venezia, Italy
Johannes Lotze, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Stephen McDowall, University of Edinburgh
Katherine Palmer Kaup, Furman University
Maria Dornelas, University of St Andrews
Anna Lora-Wainwright, University of Oxford
David Bulman, Johns Hopkins SAIS
Madlen Mählis, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development
Jane Duckett, University of Glasgow
Weeda Mehran, University of Exeter
Andrea Riemenschnitter, University of Zurich
Kristina Kleutghen, Washington University in St. Louis
Heiner Roetz, Ruhr Universität Bochum
Andreas Bieler, University of Nottingham
Elena Barabantseva, University of Manchester
James Carter, Saint Joseph’s University
Hannibal C TAubes, UC Berkeley
Antje Richter, University of Colorado, Boulder
Christopher Schwartz, KU Leuven
Fernanda Pirie, University of Oxford
Hassaan Shahawy, Harvard Law School
Adam T. Smith, Cornell University
Charlene Makley, Reed College
Susan D. Blum, The University of Notre Dame, USA
Giulia Baccini, Ca’Foscari University, Venice, Italy
Munawwar Abdulla, Harvard University
Azeem Ibrahim, Newlines Institute
Benno Weiner, Carnegie Mellon University
Ronald B. Wiley, Kazakh-American Free University
Martin Gieselmann, Heidelberg University
Maddalena Barenghi, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Michael Brose, Indiana University
Joseph Bosco, Georgetown University
Marc Matten, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Václav Cvrček, Charles University
Emily Prey, Newlines Institute
Lewis Doney, Ruhr-University Bochum
Kirk A. Denton, Ohio State University
Matthew Evangelista, Cornell University
Sergey Dmitriev, Russian Academy of Sciences
Pema McLaughlin, Northwestern University
Beatrice Gallelli, Ca’ Foscari University, Italy
Katia Buffetrille, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris
Ilana Gershon, Indiana University
Felix Boecking, University of Edinburgh
Matt Pottinger, Stanford University Hoover Institution
Gotelind Müller-Saini, Heidelberg University
Ethan Hack, Newcastle University
Thorben Pelzer, Leipzig University
Rebecca Slayton, Cornell University
Sean R. Roberts, The George Washington University
Laura C. Nelson, UC Berkeley
Lisa Ross, The New School
Nicholas A. Kaldis, Binghamton University (S.U.N.Y.)
John A. Crespi, Colgate University
Rebecca Ehrenwirth, University of Applied Sciences, SDI Munich
Richard Toye, University of Exeter
Tim Oakes, University of Colorado Boulder
James Gethyn Evans, Harvard University
Alexander Dukalskis, University College Dublin
Frank Kraushaar, National Library of Latvia
Tim Epkenhans, Freiburg University
Kristin Stapleton, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Della Collins Cook, Indiana University
Shao Jiang, University of Westminster
Eva Chou, City University of New York Baruch College
Kingsley Edney, University of Leeds
Murray Bessette, Common Sense Society
Ya-chun Liu, University of Leeds
Paolo Santangelo, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Thomas Bruce, University of Toronto
Peter Zarrow, University of Connecticut
Nicolas Sihlé, Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Andréa Worden, Johns Hopkins University
Simon Land, University of Exeter
Oleg Antonov, Malmo University
Camille Simon, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales
Lee Jones, Queen Mary University of London
Thorsten Benner, Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi)
Sara D’Attoma, University of Verona/Cafoscari University of Venice
Marion Eggert, Ruhr University Bochum
Sara L.M. Davis, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)
Joanie Mackowski, Cornell University
Eleonora Cappuccilli, University of Oslo
Alessandro Albana, University of Bologna
C. D. Alison Bailey, University of British Columbia
Kenneth Pomeranz, University of Chicago
Jeffrey Henderson, University of Bristol
Jonathan Bridge, Sheffield Hallam University
Allen Carlson, Cornell University
Per Kvaerne, University of Oslo
Hanno Lecher, Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg University
Soheil Fatehiboroujeni, Cornell University
Leo K. Shin, The University of British Columbia
Gerard Toal, Virginia Tech
Natascha Gentz, The University of Edinburgh
Erin Rosenberg, Independent Researcher, previously affiliated with Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide
Elena Consiglio, University of Palermo
Wolfram Manzenreiter, University of Vienna
Christopher Lupke, University of Alberta
Fischer Simon-Raphael, University of Geneva, University of Lyon
Coraline Jortay, University of Oxford
Ute Wallenböck, Palacky University Olomouc
Liam Devereux, Newcastle University
Caspar Hewett, Newcastle University
Kevin Gray, University of Sussex
Jane Geaney, University of Richmond
Olga Lomová, Charles University
Marco Fumian, Orientale University Naples
Pär Cassel, University of Michigan
Manfred Elfstrom, University of British Columbia, Okanagan
Zev Handel, University of Washington, Seattle
Ildikó Bellér-Hann, University of Copenhagen
Frank Kehl, Columbia University
Chris Hann, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Christopher Rea, University of British Columbia
Lucas Klein, Arizona State University
Marie Leduc, Independent Researcher, Canada
Matthias L. Richter, University of Colorado, Boulder
Laura De Giorgi, Ca’Foscari University
Joe Lockard, Arizona State University
Sara Koopman, Kent State University
Desmond Sham, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Thierry Kellner, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Tsering Shakya, University of British Columbia
Timothy Brook, University of British Columbia
Carole McGranahan, University of Colorado
Hoa Francisco Ngo, University of Cambridge
Philip Clart, Universität Leipzig
Loiana Leal, Newcastle University
Nathan Light, Uppsala University
Ho-fung Hung, Johns Hopkins University
Michael Davis, Wilson Center
Nicola Clarke, Newcastle University
Eric Schluessel, The George Washington University
Jacob Dalton, UC Berkeley
Sojin Lim, University of Central Lancashire
Josephine Chiu-Duke, The University of British Columbia
Laurent Pech, Middlesex University
Sebastian Eicher, LMU München
Neil Munro, University of Glasgow
Jörn-Carsten Gottwald, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Martin Lavička Palacký, University Olomouc
Emanuela Garatti, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
Emile Dirks, University of Toronto
Phat Phuc, SOAS
Alexander Morrison, New College, Oxford
Glenn Tiffert, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Jiri Holba, Oriental Institute of Czech Academy of Science
Kelly M. Greenhill, SOAS University of London; Tufts and Harvard University’s Belfer Center (HKS)
Dorothy J. Solinger, University of California, Irvine
Mitchell W Sedgwick, London School of Economics and Political Science
Francesca Helm, University of Padova
Jeremy Daum, Yale University
Kevin Sheives, International Forum for Democratic Studies (National Endowment for Democracy)
L’Haridon Béatrice, Université de Paris
Xun Zhou, University of Essex
Richard F Bensel, Cornell University
Michelle S. Mood, Kenyon College
Tara Zahra, University of Chicago
Michael Clarke, Australian National University
Dibyesh Anand, University of Westminster
Max Oidtmann, Georgetown University Qatar
Paolo Magagnin, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
Edward Lemon, Texas A&M University
Jeffrey C. Kinkley, Portland State University
Wang Jingwei, SOAS
Mel Gurtov, Portland State University
Shannon Walsh, University of British Columbia
Maja Veselič, University of Ljubljana
Mette Halskov Hansen, University of Oslo
Rosemary Foot, University of Oxford
Koen Wellens, University of Oslo
Johannes Jüde, Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU), Erlangen-Nuremberg
Elisabeth Kaske, Universität Leipzig
HsingChi von Bergmann, The University of British Columbia
Bettina Zeisler, Universität Tübingen
Philip Richardson, University of Bristol
Ingvar Svanberg, Uppsala University
Sherzod Eraliev, University of Helsinki
Nicole Grajewski, University of Oxford
Ester Bianchi, Universsity of Perugia
Judyth Twigg, Virginia Commonwealth University
Saltanat Amir, University of Cambridge
Kramer Gillin, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Maximilian Hess, Foreign Policy Research Institute
TJ Hinrichs, Cornell University
Anna Sehnalova, University of Oxford
Randle Keller Kimbrough, University of Colorado, Boulder
Vincent Artman, Wayne State University
Annette Bohr, Russia and Eurasia Programme, Chatham House
Monica De Togni, University of Turin
Miu Chung Yan, The University of British Columbia
Mark Sidel, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Julian Ku, Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University
Zabikhulla Saipov, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Adam Sharf, Harvard Law School
M. Taylor Fravel, MIT
Frederick Harry Pitts, University of Bristol
Saltanat Kydyralieva, Istanbul University
Helene Thibault, Nazarbayev University
Bo Petersson, Malmö University
Rana Mitter, University of Oxford
Dominique Townsend, Bard College
Benjamin Gatling, George Mason University
Jacob Edmond, University of Otago
Paul Thiers, Washington State University
Kristoffer Rees, Indiana University East
John Hemmings , Council on Geostrategy
Xeniya Mironova, Central Asian Analytical Network
Honourable Irwin Cotler, Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights
Pat Giersch, Wellesley College
Peter Lorentzen, University of San Francisco
Sofia Graziani, University of Trento
Sriparna Pathak, OP Jindal Global University
Charlotte Goodburn, King’s College London
Yuan-kang Wang, Western Michigan University
Elisa Oreglia, King’s College London
Xeniya Mironova, Central Asian Analytical Network
Shaun Breslin, University of Warwick
Shahar Hameiri, University of Queensland
Dirk van der Kley, The Australian National University
Harold Hodes, Cornell University
Rano Turaeva, Ludwig Maximillian University
Matthew W. Mosca, University of Washington, Seattle
Torbjörn Lodén, Institute for Security and Development Studies (Stockholm)
Sascha Klotzbücher, University of Göttingen
Majid Khosravinik, Newcastle University
Colin Wight, University of Sydney (Emeritus)
Annette Schmitt-Graeff, University of Freiburg
Sharalyn Orbaugh, University of British Columbia
Tamara Jacka, Australian National University
Anaya Guzman, Newcastle University
Straton Papagianneas, Leiden University
Marina Miranda, University of Rome “Sapienza”
Thomas B Gold, University of California, Berkeley
Ian Hall, Griffith University
Susan Whitfield, University of East Anglia
Diana Lary, University of British Columbia
Dušan Andrš, Charles University
Shaila Pal, King’s College London
Alexander Becker, Philipps Universität Marburg
Halvor Eifring, University of Oslo
Tao Zhang, Nottingham Trent University
Colm O’Cinneide, Faculty of Laws, UCL
Evanna Hu, Atlantic Council
Joe McReynolds, Keio University
José Manuel Barreto, Universidad Católica de Colombia
Antonia Finnane, University of Melbourne
Maria Coma-Santasusana, Institut National de Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris
Yifeng Tao, National Taiwan University
Manju von Rospatt, Leiden University
Emilie Ghio, Birmingham City University
William Wei, University of Colorado at Boulder
Conrado Hubner, University of Sao Paulo
Frank Siedlok, University of Auckland
Yonah Diamond, Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights
Paul Gewirtz, Yale University
Hannah Quirk, King’s College London
Akira Igata, Center for Rule-making Strategies, Tama University
Lian-Hee Wee, Hong Kong Baptist University
Suyoung Son, Cornell University
Geoffrey Samuel, Cardiff University
Kun-Chin Lin, University of Cambridge
David Demes, National Tsing Hua University
Scott Waldron, The University of Queensland
Valijon Turakulov, Inha University
J. Paul Goode, Carleton University
Vera Karam de Chueiri, Universidade Federal Do Parana
Timothy Cheek, The University of British Columbia
Pamela Kyle Crossley, Dartmouth College (USA)
Qin Shao, The College of New Jersey
Katherine Chu, California State University Dominguez Hills
Jaw-Nian Huang, National Chengchi University
Shanta Kumar Negi, Central Institute of Buddhist Studies, Choglamsar, Leh UT-Ladakh, India
Anja Blanke, Zeppelin Universität
Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen, University of Stavanger
David Montgomery, University of Maryland
Gabriel Jonsson, Stockholm University
Hans Ulrich Vogel, Department of Chinese Studies, University of Tübingen
James Leibold, La Trobe University
Helen Jsrvis, Newcastle University
Matthew Wills, University of California, San Diego
Matti Nojonen, University of Lapland
Mark Sidel, University of Wisconsin-Madison
António Eduardo Mendonça, IGOT – Universidade de Lisboa
Natalia Leskina, Ural Federal University
Ed Griffith, University of Central Lancashire
Joseph Bosco, Washington University in St Louis
Indrakshi Tandon, American University in Dubai
Gabriela Pleschová, Comenius University in Bratislava
Andrew Shail, Newcastle University
Joanna Bialek, Humboldt Universität Berlin
Chiara Olivieri, Universidad de Granada
Maria Louw, Aarhus University
Alba Griffin, Newcastle University
Abrar Hussain, University of Essex
Jiri Holba, Oriental Institute of Czech Academy of Science
Jarmila Ptáčková, Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Timothy Nunan, Freie Universität Berlin
Wolfgang Benedek, University of Graz
Nury Turkel, Hudson Institute
Thomas Loy, Oriental Institute Czech Academy of Sciences
Andrea Graziosi, Università di Napoli Federico II
Susanne Brandtstädter, University of Cologne
Rosa Caroli, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Kristof Van den Troost, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Rashid Gabdulhakov, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Marja Kaikkonen, Stockholm University
Federica Cicci, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Daniela L. Caglioti, Università di Napoli Federico II
Martin Hanker, Charles University
Sylva Martinásková, Palacký University Olomouc
John Campbell, SOAS
Bauyrzhan Yedgenov, Georgia State University
Xie Mengxiang, East China Normal University
Simona Grano, University of Zurich
Larissa Stünkel, Institute for Security and Development Policy
Reysa Alenzuela, Oriental Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences
Julian Tucker, Institute for Security and Development Policy (Stockholm)
Nick Megoran, Newcastle University
Karin Zackari, Lund University
Maurizio Marinelli, University of Sussex
Ines Kalam, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Matt Perry, Newcastle University
Fiona McConnell, University of Oxford
Chris Berry, King’s College London
Roland Clark, University of Liverpool
Louise Kempton, Newcastle University
Nicholas Walmsley, American University of Central Asia
David Clough, University of Chester
Tracy Shildrick, Newcastle University
Eglė Aleknaitė, Vytautas Magnus University
Gul Berna Ozcan, Royal Holloway, University of London
Daniel Siemens, Newcastle University
Andrew Williams, Cardiff University
Alastair Bonnett, Newcastle University
Theo Westphal, University of Sheffield
Rafał Majka, Tischner European University, Poland
James Grant, King’s College London
Margaret Hillenbrand, University of Oxford
David Stewart, Newcastle University
Madeleine Reeves, University of Manchester
Nick Ng, University of Leeds
Sophia Knowles-Mofford, Queen Mary University of London
Feiri Quan, Fairfax University of America
Dennis Hill, Newcastle University
John Gittings, SOAS, University of London
Gareth Powells, Newcastle University
Alex Prichard, University of Exeter
Ella Dzelzainis, Newcastle University
Françoise Lauwaert, Université libre de Bruxelles
Lauri Paltemaa, University of Turku
Maria Wikse, Stockholm University
Barbara Meisterernst, National Tsing Hua University, Linguistics Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Andrea E. Pia, London School of Economics
Pierantonio Zanotti, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Sharae Deckard, University College Dublin, Ireland
Ivan Franceschini, The Australian National University
Eva Seiwert, Freie Universität Berlin
Christopher Rosenmeier, University of Edinburgh
Stefania Stafutti, Universita’ di Torino University of Turin (Italy)
Chris Brown, London School of Economics
Daniel Sprick, University of Cologne
Gregor Benton, Cardiff University
Jens Wilkens, Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen
Vicky Ryan, Newcastle University
Björn Ahl, University of Cologne
Pei Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jeroen Wiedenhof, Leiden University
Heather Inwood, University of Cambridge
Diego Garcia-Mejuto, Newcastle University
Carolin Kautz, University of Goettingen
Rüdiger Breuer, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Kopal Jain, Jindal School of International Affairs
Eric Florence, University of Liege
Giles Bailey, Newcastle University
Tom Stammers, Durham University
Karen-Margrethe Simonsen, Aarhus University
Eva Seiwert, Freie Universität Berlin
Márton Vér, Department of Turkology and Central Asian Studies, University of Göttingen
Aya Adachi, Ruhr University Bochum & University of Duisburg-Essen
Clemens von Haselberg, University of Cologne
Yukiyo Kasai, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Sohoon Yi, Kyungpook National University
Carolina Quesada Cordero, University of Costa Rica
Sara Vannini, University of Sheffield
Vladimír Liščák, Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Mark Beeson, University of Western Australia
Natalie Martin, University of Nottingham
Magnus Persson, Lund University
Meiko O’Halloran, Newcastle University
Philipp Lottholz, Justus Liebig University Giessen
Kader Konuk, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Academy in Exile
Graham White, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe
Elisa Bertolini, Bocconi University
Derek Hird, Lancaster University
Filippomaria Pontani, Università di Venezia Ca’ Foscari
Anselm Feldmann, University of Birmingham
Corinne Lennox, University of London
Michael Radich, Heidelberg University
Nicola Spakowski, University of Freiburg
Friederike Assandri, Universität Leipzig
Paul Moore, University of Leicester
Andrew Chubb, Lancaster University
Casper Wits, Leiden University
HC Dyer, University of Leeds
Nicholas White, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
Toby Lincoln, University of Leicester
Alpa Shah, London School of Economics
Rory Waterman, Nottingham Trent University
Frédéric Richard, University of Lausanne
Simone Neri Serneri, Università di Firenze
Dany Savelli, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès
Andreas Wittel, Nottingham Trent University
Allen Carlson, Cornell University
Gloria Gutierrez-almarza, Nottingham Trent University
Beverley Makin, Nottingham Trent University
Simone Tonelli, University of Bremen
Andreas Bøje Forsby, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, University of Copenhagen
Erica Mart, Georgetown University
Peter Cave, University of Manchester
Martin Seviour, Nottingham Trent University
Thomas Rocek, University of Delaware
David Blake Willis, Fielding Graduate University
Sascha Zhivkov, Universität Tübingen
Michael Schütte, Faculty of East Asian studies, Ruhr-University Bochum
Robert Bickers, University of Bristol
Noor O’Neill Borbieva, Purdue University Fort Wayne
Christoph Müller-Hofstede, ECIT Foundation
Stephanie Palmer, Nottingham Trent University
Ruben Gonzalez-Vicente, University of Leiden
Christian Schwermann, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
David Brophy, University of Sydney
Edwin Schmitt, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Studies
Samuel Kim, Cornell University
Birgit Häse, Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)
Ross Anthony, Stellenbosch University
Christin Fischer, Technische Universitäten Darmstadt
Carolyn Smith-Morris, Southern Methodist University
Martin Farr, Newcastle University
William A. Callahan, London School of Economics
Mark W. Frazier, The New School
Any Chan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jonathan Peterson, Loyola University New Orleans
Natasha Heller, University of Virginia
Elizabeth Otto, State University of New York at Buffalo
Barat Achinuq, University of Oxford
Hans Stein Muller, London School of Economics
Leon Rocha, University of Lincoln
Colleen Wood, Columbia University
Sarah Appelhans, University at Albany
Oybek Madiyev, University of Kent
Anan Alsheikh Haidar, Institute for International Peace and Security Law, University of Cologne
Jeffrey Wasserstrom, University of California, Irvine
Weston Barker, Cornell University
William Quigley, Loyola University New Orleans College of Law
John McGowan, University of North Carolina
Michael Lambek, University of Toronto
Andrea Rehberg, Newcastle University
Yasmin Koppen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Don Westerheijden, University of Twente
Isabela Soares Bicalho, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Shui-yin Sharon Yam, University of Kentucky
Giovany Orozco Leal, Newcastle University
Estefânia Maria De Queiroz Barboza, Universidade Federal Do Parana (UFPR), Brazil
Tasnemul Hasan Nehal, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology
Bruno Braga de Castro, Federal University of Minas Gerais
Adailson Pinho de Araújo, Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid Region
Caroline Knowles, Goldsmiths, University of London
Thomas Harrison, University of St Andrews
Uran Botobekov, Modern Diplomacy
Stein Ringen, University of Oxford, King’s College London
Florian Couveinhes Matsumoto, École normale supérieure (Paris, Ulm)
Mary Chamberlain, Oxford Brookes University
Miguel Otero Iglesias, Elcano Royal Institute
Fernand Meyer, Former CNRS
Rian Aurélio Vieira, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido
Tsering Topgyal, University of Birmingham
Tim Kirk, Newcastle University
Andrew B. Liu, Villanova University
Lindsay Black, Leiden University
Abigail Scripka, University of Glasgow
Nadia Rubaii, Binghamton University, State University of New York
Hillary Eklund, Loyola University New Orleans
Richard F Bensel, Cornell University
Ablet Kamalov, Turan University, Almaty
Graham Black, Nottingham Trent University
Dilmira Matyakubova, Ulster University
David Walker, Newcastle University
Kerry Whigham, Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention, Binghamton University
Carlos Closa Montero, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Robin Visser, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Ciros Kauer Tavares das Chagas, Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido
Francisco Leandro da Costa Soares, IFCE-Campus de Crateús
Laura Meek, University of Hong Kong
Ashley Howard, University of Iowa
Julia C. Schneider, University College Cork
Linus Schlüter, University Leipzig, Germany
Karen Smitth, London School of Economics
Sadman Chowdhury, Cornell University
Rico Isaacs, University of Lincoln
Artemy Kalinovsky, Temple University
Jonathan Lipman, Mount Holyoke College
May-Britt U. Stumbaum, Freie Universität Berlin
Sébastien Platon, University of Bordeaux
Jessica Chen Weiss, Cornell University
Brendan H. O’Connor, Arizona State University
Kirsten Foot, University of Washington
Kristine Hunt, Idaho State University
Michael Benjamin Yahuda, George Washington University
Nate Schenkkan, Freedom House
Rasa Pranskevičiūtė-Amoson, Vilnius University
Ulisses Levy Silvério dos Reis, Federal Rural University of Semiarid Region (Brazil)
Jessica Falcone, Kansas State University
Brenda J Baker, Arizona State University
Tom Grunfeld, Empire State College/SUNY
Emily Laskin, University of California, Berkeley
silvia cavicchioli, University of Turin
Chris Wickham, Universities of Oxford and Birmingham
Parhad Keyim, University of Eastern Finland
Eleanor Peers, University of Cambridge
John Cotter, Keele University
Sarah Kirchberger, Institute for Security Policy at Kiel University
Michael Duke, University of California, San Francisco
Hugh Gusterson, University of British Columbia
Daniela Stockmann, Hertie School
Wojciech Sadurski, University of Sydney
Mary Elizabeth Gallagher, University of Michigan
Ina Zharkevich, University of Oxford
Madelyn C Ross, Johns Hopkins University
Scott Simon University of Ottawa
Rebecca E. Karl, New York University
Sam Maull, Stanford University
Daniel Fuchs, Humboldt University of Berlin
Lawrence C Reardon, University of New Hampshire
Melanie Manion, Duke University
Jamie Gaskarth, The Open University
Margaret Morley, Indiana University
Jia Ching Chen, University California, Santa Barbara
Naomi Standen, Universities of Birmingham and Oxford
Angelika Messner, Kiel University
Jamie Horsley, Yale University
Bruce Dickson, George Washington University
James Whiting, University of Sunderland)
Sidnei Alves da Silva, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (Brasil)
Stéphane Gros, CNRS
Arnab Dey, State University of New York at Binghamton
Gustavo Nascimento Torres, Federal University of Piauí (UFPI)
Marc Lanteigne, University of Tromsø
Wessie Ling, London Metropolitan University
Martin K. Whyte, Harvard University
Gerrit van der Wees, George Mason University
David Curtis, University College London
Jeremy Brown, Simon Fraser University
Kai Vogelsang, Universität Hamburg
Laura Leonardo, Newcastle University
Emily Yeh, University of Colorado
Matthew Evangelista, Cornell University
Jack Chen, University of Virginia
Curie Virág, University of Edinburgh
Nicola Casarini, Istituto Affari Internazionali
Anthony J Saich, Harvard Kennedy School
Marina Rudyak, Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg University
Astrid Nordin, Lancaster University
Maurizio Scarpari, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy
Jenny Peterson, University of British Columbia
Thomas Chase, Monash University
Mary-Lee Mulholland, Mount Royal University
Mary Laven, University of Cambridge
Chun-Yi Lee, University of Nottingham
Scott Pacey, University of Nottingham
Harlan W. Jencks, Monterey Institute of International Studies & University of California, Berkeley
Tom Gerald Daly, Melbourne School of Government
Eugene Huskey, Stetson University
Clayton Dube, University of Southern California
Bradley Jardine, Oxus Society/Wilson Center
John Aloysius Zinda, Cornell University
William A. Joseph, Wellesley College
Natascha Gentz, The University of Edinburgh
Yang Fang-Yu, Indiana University Bloomington
Frank F Conlon, University of Washington
Robert Cliver, Humboldt State University
Hillary Langberg, Bard College
Michael W. Dowdle, National University of Singapore Faculty of Law
James Harry Morris, University of Tsukuba
Ferhat Karakas, University of South Florida
Akrom Avezov, Nagoya University
Haiyan Lee, Stanford University
Sandra Babcock, Cornell University Law School
Yelizaveta Kamilova, Suleyman Demirel University
Dolly Yang, Academia Sinica
Knut Benjamin Pißler, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
Mark McConaghy, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaoshiung, Taiwan
Rosa Lombardi, Università Roma Tre
Xeniya Mironova, Central Asian Analytical Network
Alexandra Kaiser, Universität zu Köln
Steven Pieragastini, Whittier College
Luke Patey, Danish Institute for International Studies
Ryan Dunch, University of Alberta
Vivian-Lee Nyitray, University of California, Riverside
Mario Esteban, Autonomous University of Madrid
Benjamin Penny, Australian National University
Walter Aschmoneit, University of Onsbruck, Germany
Trine Brox, University of Copenhagen
Jeehey Kim, University of Arizona
Ramona Coman, Université libre de Bruxelles
Timothy George, University of Rhode Island
Antoine Buyse, Utrecht University
Sabrina Habich-Sobiegalla, Freie Universität Berlin
Timothy Garton Ash, University of Oxford
Niklas Swanström, The Institute for Security and Development Policy
Martina Bofulin, ZRC SAZU
William Bradley, Ryukoku University
Phillip Grimberg, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Igor Rogelja, University College London
Agnes Schick-Chen, University of Vienna
Maureen Meadows, Coventry University
Tony Ward, Northumbria University
Tarak Barkawi, London School of Economics
Simona Novaretti, University of Turin
Caroline Kerfoot, Stockholm University
Sarah Tynen, Czech Academy of Sciences
Karsten Giese, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
Izabela Kujawa, Adam Mickiewicz University
Nandini Sundar, Delhi University
Jonathan A. Silk, Leiden University
Beverley Loke, University of Exeter
László Károly, Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University
Annabella Massey, University of Oxford
Elif Erken, Utrecht University
Philipp Sperner, University of Munich (LMU)
Hristo Hristev, Sofia University, Faculty of Law
Susanne Burri, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Amina Crisma, University of Bologna, Italy
Dominic Sachsenmaier, Georg-August-University Göttingen
Rebecca Ruth Gould, University of Birmingham
Laura Manzie, Nottingham Trent University
Constantinos Kombos, University of Cyprus
Konstantinos Tsimonis, Lau China Institute
Kay Schiller, Durham University
Jane Hayward, King’s College London
Naomi Yamada, University of Tsukuba
Florian Coppenrath, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient
Boyoung Chang, University of Chicago
Robert Entenmann, St. Olaf College
Laura Corradi, Università della Calabria
Ondřej Švec, Charles University
Stephen J Rapp, US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Besnik Sinani, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient
Tobias Voß, Freiburg University
Enno Giele, Universität Heidelberg
Haun Saussy, University of Chicago
Ergün Özgür, Freie Universität Berlin
Scott Laderman, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Aruna Nair, University of Oxford
Sigrid Schmalzer, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Keshi Jiang, Okayama University
Matteo Cestari, Università di Torino, Turin University, Italy
Matthew H. Kramer, University of Cambridge (UK)
Astrid Nordin, Lancaster University
Jason Brennan, Georgetown University
Rebecca Shoot, Washington Working Group for the International Criminal Court (WICC)
Mary Nolan, New York University
Lorenzo Resio, Università di Torino – Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
Joshua Bernstein, University of Southern Mississippi
Mark Lincicome, College of the Holy Cross
Andrea Balbo, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università di Torino
Beatrice Manetti, University of Turin
Graziella Acquaviva, University of Turin
James Lochtefeld, Carthage College
David Ambaras, North Carolina State University
John Rapp, Beloit College
Jessica Zu, USC Dornsife
Licia Di Giacinto, Ruhr University Bochum, Department of Religious Studies
Roberto Rosselli Del Turco, Università di Torino, Italia
Stefan Landsberger, Leiden University
Barrett L. McCormick, Marquette University
Brian DeMare, Tulane University
Steve Lewis, Rice University
Shakhar Rahav, University of Haifa
Angela Zito, New York University
Kori Schake, American Enterprise Institute
Shellen Wu, University of Tennesee
Yi-Li Wu, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
James S. Uleman, New York University
Marjolein van den Brink, Utrecht University
Limin Teh, Leiden University
Gail Hershatter , University of California, Santa Cruz
Joseph T.H. Lee, Pace University
Caitlin Halfacre, Newcastle University
Hugues Dumont, Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles
Benjamin van Rooij, University of Amsterdam
Andreas Siegl, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Irene Fernández-Molina , University of Exeter
Enrico Maltese, Università di Torino
Lia Ogno, Università di Torino (Italia)
Alessandro Pontremoli, University of Turin
Guillermo Carrascón, Università degli Studi di Torino
Kathryn Gwiazdon, Northern Illinois University College of Law
Madeline Hsu, UT Austin
Lars Vargö, Institute for Security and Development Policy, Sweden
Radosveta Vassileva, UCL
Joachim Gentz, University of Edinburgh
David Porter, Yale University
Giovanni Barberi Squarotti, University of Turin
Jason Sharman, University of Cambridge
Emily Sun, Barnard College
Robert Tierney, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Stig Thøgersen, Aarhus University
Gudrun Wacker, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Berlin
Kate Merkel-Hess, Penn State University
Wolfgang Ommerborn, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum
Emily Baum, University of California, Irvine
Nadine Godehardt, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)
Timothy Iles, University of Victoria
Andreas Guder, Freie Universität Berlin
Stephen R. Shalom, William Paterson University
Joshua Seufert, Princeton University
Chloe Starr, Yale University
Walter Hakala, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Mattia Cravero, University of Turin
Ermanno Malaspina, Turin University (Italy)
Felisa Tibbitts, Utrecht University/Columbia University
John M. Archer, New York University
Jonathan Ginzburg, Université de Paris
Kathryn Sikkink , Harvard Kennedy School
Janice McLaughlin, Newcastle University
Stéphane Paquin, École nationale d’administration publique
Kumi Casey, Newcastle University
Mario Edoardo Simmaco, Leiden University
Polina Rysakova, Saint Petersburg state university
Lois Weiner, New Jersey City University
Natascha Gentz, The University of Edinburgh
Iris Yellum, Harvard University
Michael Marme, Fordham University
Wlodzimierz Cieciura, University of Warsaw
Coraline Jortay, University of Oxford
Rose Marie Kuhn, California State University Fresno
Divyansh Kaushik, Carnegie Mellon University
Yangyang Cheng, Yale University
Alan Charles Kors, University of Pennsylvania
Timothy Grose, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Alice de Jonge, Monash Business School
Joel L. Lebowitz, Rutgers Uniersity
Wing-kai To, Bridgewater State University
Erik Schicketanz, Kokugakuin University
Jonathan Chaves, The George Washington University
Arthur Waldron, University of Pennsylvania
Gabriela Chaparro, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
Robin Ramcharan, Asia Centre, Bangkok
Philippe Foret, University of Basel
Paolo Liverani, University of Florence, Italy
Pablo Rodríguez Merino, University of Warwick
Adam Hug, Foreign Policy Centre
Chelsea Blackburn Cohen, Scholars at Risk
Victor Mallet, Author, Oxford University Press
Sylvain Delcomminette, Université libre de Bruxelles
Federico Brusadelli, Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”
Ady Van den Stock, Ghent University
Jan Plamper, Goldsmiths, University of London
Thea Ravasi, Newcastle University
Barbara Niederer, CNRS France
Stijn Deklerck, KU Leuven
Eva Pejsova, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique
Kwadwo Appiagyei-Atua, University of Ghana
Lisa Indraccolo, Tallinn University
Nicoletta Gatti, University of Ghana
Thomas Jansen, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
David Konadu, University of Ghana
Francis Redvers Jones, Newcastle University
Peter Humphrey, Harvard University Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies
Shaun ODwyer, Kyushu University
Rian Thum, University of Manchester
Paul C. Knox, University of Liverpool
Giulia Pinzauti, Leiden University
Nathan Ruser, Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Nader Hashemi, University of Denver
Ye Yuan, SOAS, University of London
Nataša Vampelj Suhadolnik, University of Ljubljana
Michael Jonathan Green, Georgetown University
Lydia Wysocki, Newcastle University
Nicholas Kontovas, Leiden University
Thomas Peak, University of Cambridge
Luca Rossi, Queen Mary University of London
Eugene M. Chudnovsky, The City University of New York
Abel Fumey, University of Ghana
Ross Carroll, University of Exeter
Tanina Zappone, University of Turin
Massimo Bonifazio, University of Turin
Jake Anthony Scott, University of Birmingham
Hülya Çelik, Ruhr University Bochum
Sense Egbert Hofstede, National University of Singapore
Scott MacDonald, Cornell University
George Dutton, UCLA
Jean-Philippe Béja, CNRS-CERI-Sciences-Po, Paris
Mohammad Alharby, Newcastle University
Jason Rudall, Leiden University
Jose Ignacio Torreblanca, UNED University (Madrid, Spain)
Stewart David Yarlett, Lancaster University and Woodbrooke Centre for Quaker Studies, Birmingham
Jorge Catalá, Newcastle University
Sedona Heidinger, University of Arizona
Emily Hager, University of Arizona
Ariel Hogan, University of Arizona
Ricardo Chavez, The University of Arizona
Harvey M. Sapolsky, MIT
Waiyee Loh, Kanagawa University
David Emanuel Andersson, National Sun Yat-sen University
Emad Hamdeh, Embry Riddle University
Barry Naughton, University of California, San Diego
Hamid Algar, University of California, Berkeley
Philippe Foret, University of Basel
Stefan Christ, Universität Hamburg
Dieter Bögenhold, Klagenfurt University, Austria
Adil Ismail M. Hilal, Damanhour University- Egypt.
David William Golding, CBE, Newcastle University
Molly Clark, Oxford University
Henrike Rudolph, University of Göttingen
Mohammad Nafissi, Boston University, London
Peter Gordon, University of Southern California
Nurit Alfasi, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Alexander Beecroft, University of South Carolina
Thomas Borchert, University of Vermont
Roger L. Albin, University of Michigan
Avinoam Meir, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Martin VAN BRUINESSEN, Utrecht University
Nora Sausmikat, urgewald
Marissa C de Baca, University of Southern California
Marjorie Dryburgh, University of Sheffield
Truong lam Huong, NSYSU
Aaron Glasserman, Columbia University
Ng La Wing, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Valentina Sommella, Università degli Studi di Perugia
Minerwa Tahir, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient
Jo Lumley, University of Sheffield
Laurent Dobuzinskis Simon Fraser University
Chongyi Feng, University of Technology Sydney
Vanessa Ward, Formerly University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Oliver F. Shyr, National Cheng Kung University
Åke E. Andersson, Jönköping International Business School
Ysanne Chen, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
Frederik Ponjaert, Université libre de Bruxelles
Meynardo P. Mendoza, Ateneo de Manila University
Matus Posvanc, F. A. Hayek Foundation
Matteo Bafico, Università di Torino
Suzanne Gottschang, Smith College
Laurine Pommier, NSYSU
Marion Lougheed, York University
Nobuko Toyosawa, Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences
Wolfgang Kinzelbach, ETH Zurich
Hanna Dohmen, Georgetown University
Miguel Monjardino, Institute for Politcal Studies, Catholic University of Portugal
Frank Jüris, Estonian Foreign Policy Institute at ICDS
Francesca Ghiretti, King’s College London
Sari Arho Havren,University of Helsinki
Sabine Mokr, Leiden University
Carlos Conde Solares, University of Northumbria at Newcastle
Fernando Jiménez Sánchez, University of Murcia
Luis Mendiz, Polytechnic of Central London (retired)
Cyril Trepier, Institut Français de Géopolitique, Université Paris 8 Saint-Denis
Miguel Caínzos, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Raquel Vaz-Pinto, Portuguese Institute International Relations (IPRI-NOVA)
Joaquín González Ibáñez, Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio de Madrid
Faruk Ajeti, Austrian Institute for International Affairs
María José Villaverde Rico, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Alejandro Rodríguez-Gómez, BarcelonaTech – Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Tim Epkenhans, Freiburg University
Javier Roldán Barbero, Universidad de Granada
Rafael Martinez, University of Barcelona
José Enrique Conde Belmonte, Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio/ Universidad Complutense de Madrid/ Universidad Pontificia de Madrid (ICADE)/ Berg Institute
José AntonioYturriaga, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Montserrat Ginés, Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Isabel Fernández Alonso, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes
Danielle Cave, Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Patrick Leblond, University of Ottawa
Maisam (Maya) Mitalipova, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, MIT
Erkin Sidick, California Institute of Technology
Dali Yang, University of Chicago
Gus diZerega, Ph.D., independent scholar retired from formal academic life
Silvia Valmaña Ochaita, Castilla-La Mancha University
Laurine Pommier, NSYSU
José Ramón Montero, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
José María Marco, Universidad Pontificias Comillas Madrid
Fernando F. Savater, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Kristina Kironska, Palacky University Olomouc
José Torné-Dombidau y Jiménez, Universidad de Granada Spain
Eva Hansson, Stockholm University
Richard Turcsanyi, Palacky University Olomouc
Carlos Sánchez-Moreno Ellart, Universidad de Valencia
Jose Maria Rosales, University of Malaga
Filip Šebok, Association for International Affairs
Bartosz Kowalski, University of Lodz
Alicja Bachulska, Asia Research Centre, War Studies University
Rui Tavares, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Aki Tonami, University of Tsukuba
Harald Bøckman, University of Oslo
Rafael Dobado González, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Javier Couso Salas, Utrecht University/Universidad Diego Portales
María Paz López Martínez, Universidad de Alicante
Axel Dessein, King’s College London
Florentino Portero, Director. Instituto de Política Internacional. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Firat Batmaz, Loughborough University
Luís Mah, ISEG-Lisbon School of Economics and Management
David J Scheffer, Northwestern University
Virginia Harper Ho, University of Kansas School of Law
Ke Li, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, the City University of New York
Margaret Woo, Northeastern University
Isabelle Henrion-Dourcy, Université Laval
william butos, Trinity College
Albert Zhang, Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Nathan Attrill, Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Wendy Larson, University of Oregon
Simona Segre Reinach, University of Bologna
Saipira Furstenberg, University of Exeter
Marion Burn, Newcastle University
Samuli Leppälä, Cardiff University
Audrey Gadzekpo, University of Ghana
Michelle Jackson, University of Oxford
Simon Oliver, Durham University
Erik Vollmann, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
James Laurenceson, University of Technology Sydney
Benno Gammerl, European University Institute, Firenze
Dominique Schirmer, Department of Sociology, University of Freiburg
Kristin Roebuck, Cornell University
Andrea Bréard, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Adam K Webb, Johns Hopkins University
Nikolai Wenzel, Fayetteville State University
Hans Jørgen Gåsemyr, University of Bergen and NUPI
Daria Impiombato, Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Kelsey Munro, Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Niall Duggan, University College Cork
Andrew Small, German Marshall Fund
Fergus Ryan, ASPI
Natasha Kassam, Lowy Institute
Michael J Richardson, Newcastle University
Tania Becker, TU Berlin, China Center
Erin Jenne, Central European University
Omar Shahabudin McDoom, London School of Economics
Catherine Adams, Nottingham Trent University
Elsa B. Kania, Harvard University
Jonathan Hassid, Iowa, State University
Patrick Hällzon, Uppsala University, Sweden
Sarah Biddulph, Melbourne Law School
Fabrice Smieliauskas, Wayne State University
Melissa Yang Rock, SUNY New Paltz
Carl Mohr, Oxford Brookes University
Paul Moore, Oxford University
H. Christoph Steinhardt, University of Vienna
Jeehee Hong, McGill University
Darren Byler, Simon Fraser University
Ronald L James, Idaho State University
Emilie Simon, Newcastle university
Ken Suzuki, Meiji University
Leta Hong Fincher, Columbia University
Adam Segal, Council on Foreign Relations
David Shullman, International Republican Institute
Vijaya Chamundeswari, Central University of Andhra Pradesh
Brian Hart, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Steven M. Goldstein, John King Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University
Jennifer Bussio, Brigham Young University
Jane Nolan, University of Nottingham
Andre Schmid, University of Toronto
Patrick Cronin, Hudson Institute
Gail Helt, King University, Bristol TN
Barbara Darimont, University of Applied Science Ludwigshafen
Hanne Petersen, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law
Gary Chang, University of Texas Dallas
Geremie R. Barmé, The Australian National University
Audrey Fritz, Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Ji Ruan, Auckland University of Technology
Nate Sibley, Hudson Institute
Chris Bronk, University of Houston
John W. Chaffee, Binghamton University
Nate Sibley, Hudson Institute
Edwin Kwong, University of Melbourne
Benjamin Zala, Australian National University
Shaomin Li, Old Dominion University
Manuela Picq, Universidad San Francisco de Quito/ Amherst College
Mark Harrison, University of Tasmania
Momin Rahman, Trent University, Canada
V. Spike Peterson, University of Arizona
Eddy U, University of California, Davis
Carl Minzner, Fordham Law School
Klaus Ebnet, University of Muenster, Germany
Holger Karl, Paderborn University
Martin Strecker, Toulouse University
Marcus Conrad, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
Katharina Hölzle, HPI, Universität Potsdam
Werner Müller-Geib, Kath. Hochschule Mainz
Liviu Matei, Central European University
Rune Steenberg, Palacky University Olomouc
Matthew Waites, University of Glasgow
William C Smith, University of Miami
Youshan Heng, HKUST
David L. Bandurski, University of Hong Kong
Masumi Matsumoto, Muroran Institute of Technology
Natsuko Oka, Institute of Developing Economies
Roy Zent, Vanderbilt University
Ambra Pozzi, Vanderbilt University
Cinzia Filoni, IIS Levi Ponti -Mirano (Venezia)
David Shambaugh, George Washington University
Ryan Fedasiuk, Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET), Georgetown University
Helen Toner, Center for Security and Emerging Technology, Georgetown University
Wendelin Bitzan, Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf
Emily Weinstein, Center for Security and Emerging Technology, Georgetown University
Valérie Niquet, Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique FRS
Po-Han Lee, National Taiwan University
Leonor Zozaya-Montes, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Pasha L. Hsieh, Singapore Management University
Lucy Binfield, University of British Columbia
Amrita Basu, Amherst College
Hiroyuki Tamura, Himeji Dokkyo University
Khaled Abou El Fadl, UCLA Scl of Law
Takashi AOKI International Society of Life Information Science
Yen-tu Su, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinicahoo
James D. Seymour, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Krisna Uk, Association for Asian Studies
Giovanni Sofri, Former Professor of History University of Bologna
Vittorio Capecchi, University of Bologna
Alyssa King, Queen’s University
Dimitar Gueorguiev, Syracuse University
Elizabeth Economy, Hoover Institution/Council on Foreign Relations
Mauricio Suárez, Complutense University of Madrid
James Vincent Feinerman, Georgetown University Law Center
Richard Louis Edmonds, King’s College London (retired)
Todd H. Hall, University of Oxford
Anna Puglisi, Georgetown University
Thomas E. Kellogg, Georgetown University Law Center
Lauren Hansen Restrepo, Bryn Mawr College
Cynthia Estlund, New York University
Mark Kesselman, Columbia University
Jakub Hruby, Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences
Elizabeth M Lynch, China Law & Policy
Susanne Zwingel, Florida International University
Colin Hawes, University of Technology Sydney
Lin, Thung-Hong, Academia Sinica
Huei-Ying Kuo, Johns Hopkins University
Richard C. Bush, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC
Avery Goldstein, University of Pennsylvania
I-Chun Catherine Chang, Macalester College
Lokman Tsui, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Luca Pisano, University of Genoa
Raissa De Gruttola, Perugia University, Italy
Peter Harris Colorado State University
Anya Liang, University of Cambridge
Edelson Costa Parnov, University of São Paulo
Stein Tønnesson, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Robert G Sutter, George Washington University
Aditya Raj, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Mallikarjuna Gupta Kota, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Peter Marcus Kristensen, University of Copenhagen
Manisha Kasana, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India
Victoria Hui, University of Notre Dame
Ilaria Carrozza, Peace Research Institute Oslo
Ritika Shashwat, Jawaharlal Nehru University , New Delhi
Peter Harris, Colorado State University
Andrea Nodari, University of Venice
Liying Scheinhardt, University of Ludwigshafen
Christin Fischer, Technische Universitäten Darmstadt
Yeliang Xia, Peking University / Cato Institute
ADITYA KUMAR SINGH, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Bruno Giorgini, Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare, Bologna
Vittorio Capecchi, University of Bologna
Luis H. Lozano-Paredes, University of Technology Sydney
Nigel Martin Healey, University of Limerick
Luisa Paternicò, “L’Orientale” University of Naples
Giovanna Puppin, University of Genoa
Roberto Braga, University of Bologna
Giovanna Zoccoli, University of Bologna, Italy
Adrian Gallagher, University of Leeds
Duanjie Chen, Macdonald-Laurier Institute, Canada
Charlie Yi Zhang, University of Kentucky
George FitzHerbert, University of Oxford
Philip Gasper, Professor Emeritus, Notre Dame de Namur University
Liz Carter, University of California, Los Angeles
Risa Lieberwitz, Cornell University
Marvin Sterling, Indiana University, Bloomington
Peter Lavelle, Temple University
Justin Lee Haruyama, University of California, Davis
Jesper Zeuthen, Aalborg University
Ane Bislev, Aalborg University
Birte Book, Utrecht University
Katarzyna Kaczmarska, University of Edinburgh
Daniel Knorr, University of Cambridge
Michael Snape, Durham University
Isabella Jackson, Trinity College Dublin
Maria Gioia Tavoni, University of Bologna
Giangiorgio Pasqualotto, Padua University
Björn Düben, JLU
Valerie Kiel, Ruhr University Bochum
Leonarda Martino, University of Bologna
Carsten A. Holz, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Richard Louis Edmonds, King’s College London (retired)
Erhan Hepoglu, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
Stuart Russell, Macquarie University School of Law (retired)** Please note that institutions are listed for identification purposes only **